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Jackson Madison County General Hospital CEP Laundry & Bed Tower

CCRD Partners

Jackson, Tennessee


CCRD Partners


Balfour Beatty Construction

About this Project

The project entails the additions of a new Central Energy Plant and laundry facility that will serve the new 300,000 sq ft patient tower addition, as well as, the existing hospital and other facilities within the West Tennessee Healthcare umbrella. The Bed Tower addition is a ten story addition that connects to the existing facility and will have a new kitchen, dining area, auditorium and over 250 additional patient rooms.

William R. Nash, Inc. installed over 20 miles worth of copper and steel piping to distribute the domestic water, storm and sanitary, chilled and heating hot water, steam and condensate and medical gas throughout the entire facility. William R. Nash, Inc. was also responsible for the installation of the temperature control systems on the new projects and their integration into the existing facility control system. The CEP project had two 1250 ton chillers, four 650 hp steam boilers and 24” pre-insulated chilled water piping installed and connected to the existing building systems via 16” piping routed through the existing hospital.

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